#EMchat Meet #CareerServChat - August 21st!

We’re excited to partner up with the #CareerServChat team for our chat on August 21st to discuss how student outcomes are affecting recruitment strategies and how these two divisions can work together toward common goals.

Elizabeth Dexter-Wilson kicked this topic off on #CareerServChat’s August 14th chat and we’re looking forward to continuing the conversation!

Pulled directly from their site, #CareerServChat is a Twitter chat dedicated to engaging college students and graduates in the career development process and answering career and job related questions. The professionals facilitating #CareerServChat support the use of career services offices and resources at colleges and universities.

Here’s the transcript of the chat:

Here are the questions for tonight's chat:

Q1: How have you seen student outcomes affect your recruitment efforts? Q2: What's the collaboration level between EM/Career Services on your campus? How has this evolved? Q3: Does career services participate in EM events (open houses, admitted student day, etc.) on your campus? Q4: What information or support do you look for from your career services? What about from EM? Q5: Should any particular office be "in charge" of discussing with students the value/ROI of careers from your institution? Q6: Have you had any negative experiences stemming from the need to promote outcomes? Either from faculty or students?

And as always, feel free to bring your own questions to the party…and a drink. That’s always a necessity.

Still not sold on the role of student outcomes in the world of recruitment? Check out this post on 2014 Trends from our friends over at The Lawlor Group -- read them all, but definitely Trend 3!

See you on Thursday!